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Tag: Japan

New: “From Fukushima to fossil fuels: Carbon emissions, climate narratives, and grassroots movements in Japan’s energy transition”

By May Aye Thiri, Mihály Tamás Borsi Abstract The Fukushima Nuclear Accident triggered an energy predicament in Japan, necessitating initiatives to decarbonise and denuclearise its energy landscape. This shift has intensified reliance on fossil fuels, …

Fukushima: nature’s fuk-u-scheme for humanity

By Nick Meynen. As we reported on December 7, 2012, the Fukushima fallout is an enduring nightmare that reaches beyond what humans can measure or contain. In 2011, hundreds of thousands …

Devlin Kuyek on the ProSavana project2

Imagine a land of 14 million hectares, bigger than Switzerland and Austria combined. Populated by millions of farming families that together practice shifting cultivation. Now imagine a foreign consultant saying …

Fukushima: the ongoing battle for a healthy environment to live in

By Marta Conde. CRIIRAD, a partner of EJOLT, has been working with a local EJO (Environmental Justice Organisation) in Fukushima since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster occurred in March 11th 2011. …