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Tag: gold

Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

Argentinian communities beat mining multinationals

Popular movements in Argentina are better than average at stopping the mining madness. The contrast with Bolsonaro’s Brazil is striking. Argentinian mining companies are learning the hard way that you …

Pascua-Lama – mining and glaciers on the Argentina-Chile border

Introduction The Pascua-Lama project is located between 4,200 and 5,200 metres (13,779 and 17,060 ft) above sea level, on the border of Chile and Argentina. It is situated in the area …

Popular resistance to the Marlin mine (Guatemala)

Introduction Marlin is an open pit mine in northern Guatemala, in the municipalities of San Miguel de Ixtahuacan and Sipacapa that have a joint population of approximately 70,000. Previously owned by …

Pacific Rim: El Dorado mine in El Salvador

Introduction Located in San Isidro, Cabañas, the El Dorado mine is about 65 kilometres east of San Salvador, and 420 metres (1377 feet) above sea level. The area enjoys tropical weather …

Yanacocha Mining Company in Conga Cajamarca (Peru)

Introduction This is an ongoing conflict, although there is some evidence that the project has been suspended since August 2012. The project is situated in northern Peru, in the Cajamarca and …

Is Greece Greening?

By George Tsolakis (Ecocity). Greece just experienced the most quiet pre-elections period in my living memory. No big crowd gatherings in streets and squares, no shouting’s, no flags waving, no …

Gold and silver mining in Cerro Blanco (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras)

Introduction Situated about 153 kilometres (95 miles) east of Guatemala City, Cerro Blanco is in Asuncion Mita, Jutiapa. Asuncion Mita covers an area of 174 hectares (429 acres) and is 45 …

Communities Unite to Say Yes to Life, No to Mining

By Hannibal Rhoades. Healthy land, water, air and life-sustaining livelihoods are good enough reasons for many communities around the world to resisting particular mining activities. A new web platform, inspired by …

Stopping Romania’s mad gold rush

UPDATE 12/09/2013 The prime minister of Romania has announced to withdraw the bill that would have allowed RMGC to mine in Rosia Montana. We’ll come back with more when the vote …