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Tag: environmental justice

GMO potato fight sparks hot debate in Belgium

By Nick Meynen.  On May 29, 2011, some 400 mothers with children, biological farmers, environmentalists and scientists gathered around a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) potato field. In a symbolic and announced public …

Idle no More! Tar Sands no More! Harper no More!

by Leah Temper. The Harper government almost got away with it… The Conservative government in Canada, in power since 2006, has done everything to clear the way for further development of the …

Geoengineering conflicts: the ETC map

Joan Martinez-Alier. When we wrote the EJOLT project three years ago, we selected a wide range of environmental justice conflicts: from extraction to waste and from nuclear to biomass. But we …

Climate Justice: new hope for radical action on climate change

By Nick Meynen. In the last two decades, momentum for action on climate change rose before 1997 (Kyoto Protocol), and before 2009 (Copenhagen Agreement) – followed by a sharp drop afterwards. …

Tana delta (Kenya): a story of struggle and success

By Nature Kenya. The Tana River Delta in Kenya, a vast mosaic of wetlands, grasslands and forests, was rocked by violent clashes in August between the pastrolist Orma and agriculturist Pokomo …

Mining conflicts around the world: the environmental justice perspective

Between 1970 and 2004, the global extraction of major metals grew by over 75 percent, industrial minerals by 53 percent, and construction materials by 106 percent Contrary to beliefs that …

NEW EJOLT REPORT: Mining from an environmental justice perspective

While world population increased 72 percent between 1970 and 2004, extraction of construction materials grew by 106 percent. The total consumption and extraction increased for practically all mineral resources – …

Mining conflicts around the world. Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective

Ejolt Report 7: Mining conflicts around the world. Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective The low resolution report can be downloaded here. The high resolution report can be downloaded here. Abstract This report aims …

Mining conflicts around the world: Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective

While world population increased 72 percent between 1970 and 2004, extraction of construction materials grew by 106 percent. Going beyond the buzz about decoupling the economy from natural resources use, …

Environmental risk, health and justice: the protagonism of affected populations in the production of knowledge

EJOLT collaborators Marcelo Firpo and Renan Finamore recently published an article entitled “Environmental risk, health and justice: the protagonism of affected populations in the production of knowledge” in a prestigious …