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Tag: community activism

September 21st: International Day of Struggle against Monoculture Tree Plantations

By Winnie Overbeek. In 2004, people from rural communities in Brazil declared September 21st a Day of Struggle against Tree Plantations. During this year’s Day of Struggle, communities and social movements …

Jal Satyagraha in the Narmada Valley

By Daniela Del Bene. Satyagraha is the struggle for the Truth, a Gandhian way of fighting injustice with the power of the Truth. Jal means water and the two words indicate …

A letter from Piedras, Tolima, Colombia: local referendum against Anglo Gold Ashanti

Dear communities resisting extractive projects, We are reaching you from Colombia, South America. We have been astonished by all you efforts and resistance in order to keep extractive corporations out of …

Stopping Romania’s mad gold rush

UPDATE 12/09/2013 The prime minister of Romania has announced to withdraw the bill that would have allowed RMGC to mine in Rosia Montana. We’ll come back with more when the vote …

Himalayan dams: goddamned!

By Nick Meynen and Daniela Del Bene. UPDATE: Wednesday 14 August When top environmental journalist Fred Pearce wrote “Water, the defining crisis of the 21st century” in 2007, water conflict cases in …

Fracking: activists occupy Chevron in Poland

Peasants from local communities are occupying a piece of land to prevent the installation of Chevron for the exploration and exploitation of shale gas in the region of Zurawlow, Poland. The Polish shale-gas reserves used to be the most …

A Canadian company, the police in Greece and democracy in the country that invented it

Unprovoked chemical attacks on civilians, 3AM raids on houses and violent police attacks on peacefully demonstrating women. You’re excused for thinking this is Syria or even Peru or Turkey, but …

Rio Tinto in Madagascar: 15 activists arrested

Those dispossessed of their land by the Rio Tinto/QMM mining project in Taolagnaro (southeastern Madagascar) are asking for a fair compensation since 2010. Perle Zafinandro Fourquet and her friends created …

Resistance to nuclear energy is spreading in India

Unfortunately and despite the Fukushima accident, India does not seem to step back with its aggressive policy of nuclear energy expansion. EJOLT reported on the resistance in Kudankulam and now …

Fight against the El Zapotillo dam saves Temaca

By Beatriz Rodríguez Labajos. For eight years, the inhabitants of Temacapulín, Acasico and Palmarejo in Jalisco, Mexico, have been resisting the disappearance of their town or village. The construction of the …