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Scientific Papers

The Global Environmental Justice Atlas (EJAtlas): ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability

By Leah Temper, Federico Demaria, Arnim Scheidel, Daniela Del Bene, Joan Martinez-Alier IntroductionThe environmental movement may be “the most comprehensive and influential movement of our time” (Castells 1997: 67), representing for the ‘post-industrial’ age what the …

More dams, more violence? A global analysis on resistances and repression around conflictive dams through co-produced knowledge

By Daniela Del Bene, Arnim Scheider, Leah Temper  Abstract  The present article analyses a unique database of 220 dam-related environmental conflicts, retrieved from the Global Atlas on Environmental Justice (EJAtlas), and based on …

Violence in environmental conflicts: the need for a multidimensional approach

By Grettel Navas, Sara Mingorria, Bernardo Aguilar-González.  AbstractAlthough studies on environmental conflicts have engaged with the subject of violence, a multidimensional approach has been lacking. Using data from 95 environmental conflicts in Central …

Environmental justice and the expanding geography of wind power conflicts

By Sofia Avila. Abstract  Wind power is expanding globally. Simultaneously, a growing number of conflicts against large-scale wind farms are emerging in multiple locations around the world. As these processes occur, …

Sri Lanka: a political ecology of socio-environmental conflicts and development projects

By Paola Bianca Camisani. Abstract  By analyzing 26 cases in the EJ Atlas for Sri Lanka, their causes, the impacts, the social actors involved, the forms of mobilization, and the main …

Who gets the HANPP (Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production) ? Biomass distribution and the bio -economy in the Tana Delta, Kenya

By Leah Temper AbstractThe Tana Delta, on the east coast of Kenya near Somalia, comprises riverine mangrove forests, wetlands and rangelands and is home to a range of indigenous pastoralist, farmer …

Political ecology of water conflicts

By Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos, Joan Martínez-Alier AbstractThis article reviews methodologies, types, and political implications of water conflicts from a political ecology perspective. The political ecology of water studies the conflicts on water …

From boomerangs to minefields and catapults: dynamics of trans-local resistance to land-grabs

By Leah TemperAbstractThis paper explores the political processes that activists engaged in contesting land grabbing have triggered to connect claims across borders and to international institutions, regimes and processes. Through a …

Inside and beyond the Petro-State frontiers: geography of environmental conflicts in Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution

By Emiliano Teran-Mantovani.Venezuela is well known for its century-old oil economy, which has significantly shaped its social fabrics, territories, and eco-systems. Since 1999, the Bolivarian Revolution has led to important transformations …

Ecological distribution conflicts as forces for sustainability: an overview and conceptual framework

By Arnim Scheidel, Leah Temper, Federico Demaria, Joan Martínez-AlierAbstractCan ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and …