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Scientific Papers

Changing social metabolism and environmental conflicts in India and South America

By Joan Martinez-Alier, F. Demaria, Leah Temper, M. WalterAbstractFirstly, we present some environmental conflicts gathered in 2016 in the EJAtlas, selecting a few that have implied deaths of environmental defenders …

Commercial and biophysical deficits in South America, 1990–2013

By P. Samaniego, M.C. Vallejo, J. Martinez-AlierAbstractThis article analyses the Physical Trade Balances (PTB) of five South American economies since 1990. Both exports and imports (measured in tonnes) increased but …

Network effects in environmental justice struggles: An investigation of conflicts between mining companies and civil society organizations from a network perspective

By Cem Iskender Aydin, Begum Ozkaynak , Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajos, Taylan YenilmezAbstractThis paper examines conflicts that occur between mining companies and civil society organizations (CSOs) around the world and offers an …

Violence and visibility in oil palm and sugarcane conflicts: the case of Polochic Valley, Guatemala

By Sara Mingorría. Environmental Science and Technology Institute of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA- UAB) Abstract. Over the last two decades, the expansion of oil palm and sugarcane plantations in …

Health as dignity: political ecology, epistemology and challenges to environmental justice movements

By Marcelo Firpo Porto (1), Diogo Rocha Ferreira and Renan FinamoreNational School of Public Health / Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil(1) Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed AbstractThe article discusses …

Evolution of the environmental justice movement: activism, formalization and differentiation

By Alejandro Colsa Perez, Bernadette Grafton, Paul Mohai (1), Rebecca Hardin, Katy Hintzen and Sara Orvis School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, 440 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI …

Transforming knowledge creation for environmental and epistemic justice;

By Leah Temper and Daniela Del Bene. Abstract Environmental Justice is both a field of study and a social movement. This dialectical relationship between theory and praxis constitutes the basis of its …

Is there a global environmental justice movement?

By Joan Martinez-Alier, Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, Arnim Scheidel Abstract One of the causes of the increasing number of ecological distribution conflicts around the world is the changing metabolism of the economy …

Global patterns of metal extractivism, 1950–2010: Providing the bones for the industrial society’s skeleton

By Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Mayer, Nina Eisenmenger and Fridolin Krausmann. Abstract During the second half of the 20th century, mining expanded globally and must be considered one of the dominant forms of …

The unequal exchange of Dutch cheese and Kenyan roses: Introducing and testing an LCA-based methodology for estimating ecologically unequal exchange

By Martin Oulu. Abstract The theory of ecologically unequal exchange (EUE) posits that international trade is structurally organized in a manner that allows a net transfer of resources from peripheral developing to …