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Press Releases

Unburnable fuels. How to keep the oil in the soil

Today, a global coalition of economists and activists release a 200p report on a variety of initiatives to leave “unburnable” fuels in the soil. The EU funded EJOLT network studied …

The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money

18 April 2012 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The CDM in Africa Cannot Deliver the Money Learn why the carbon trading gamble and ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ won’t save the planet from climate change

Mining conflicts around the world: Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective

While world population increased 72 percent between 1970 and 2004, extraction of construction materials grew by 106 percent. Going beyond the buzz about decoupling the economy from natural resources use, …

Industrial waste conflicts around the world. Case studies from India and Bulgaria: shipbreaking and incineration.

EJOLT  – a project on environmental justice with 23 universities and activist groups from 20 countries – is proud to announce the first in a series of in-depth reports made …