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EJOLT, EnvJustice and EJAtlas main work on Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground (LFFU) cases

1) Towards a Post-oil Civilization. Yasunization and Other Initiatives to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Soil. By Temper, L., Yánez, I., Sharife, K., Ojo, G., Martinez-Alier, J., CANA, Combes, M., …

A talk by Joan Martinez-Alier: Circularity, Entropy, Ecological Conflicts and “Unburnable Fuels”

Friday 30 April 2021 12:00-13:30 (BST) RSVP for zoom invite: Claims for climate justice and reparations for ecological debt have been put forward by environmentalists from the Global South since 1991, together …

New Research: Airport projects responsible for human rights violations and ecological destruction around the world

Interactive map documents 80 cases of airport-related injustices and resistance Feature Map: All across the globe airport projects are generating serious conflicts and social and environmental impacts: land acquisition, displacement of …

Awful Cabo Delgado’s Attacks: exposing Mozambique’s Gas Development Project

Resources to understand the current situation: Awful attacks in Palma, Cabo Delgado province (Mozambique) that began the 24th of March, exposed failure for Total’s onshore development of liquefied natural gas (LNG).  Read …

U.S. Lawyer Steven Donziger Speaks from House Arrest in NYC After Suing Chevron for Amazon Oil Spills

Full original interview available at Democracy Now! Interview by Amy Goodman. 10 years ago, Ecuador’s Supreme Court ordered Chevron to pay $18 billion on behalf of 30,000 Amazonian Indigenous people. The oil …

Mapping ecological distribution conflicts: The EJAtlas

By Joan Martinez-Alier Abstract This article describes the origins of the terms “environmental justice” and “environmentalism of the poor and the indigenous” since the 1980s. In 2012 the collection of “ecological distribution …

Losing Ground: A series of interviews on conservation conflicts in India

In this series of 3 interviews with The Bastion, our researcher Eleonora Fanari with the Kalpavrisk team – India, discuss their findings in our most recent thematic map. The interviews touch …

Gendered geographies of violence: a multiple case study analysis of murdered women environmental defenders

By Dalena Le Tran, Joan Martinez-Alier, Grettel Navas, Sara MingorriaAbstractThis study illustrates how, despite the diversity of women environmental defenders and their movements around the world, there are near-universal patterns …

Seven main collective articles from the EJAtlas & EnvJustice project

1) Mapping the frontiers and front lines of global environmental justice: the EJAtlas, by L Temper, D Del Bene, J Martinez-Alier. 2015. Journal of Political Ecology 22 (1), 255-278. Is …

Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects

By Leah Temper, Sofia Avila, Daniela Del Bene, Jennifer Gobby, Nicolas Kosoy, Philippe Le Billon, Joan Martinez-Alier, Patricia Perkins, Brototi Roy, Arnim Scheidel and Mariana WalterAbstractIn this article we undertake a systematic mapping …
