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Hydropower and Ecological Conflicts. From resistance to transformations

By: Daniela Del Bene.Supervisors: Prof. Joan Martínez Alier, Dr. Beatriz Rodríguez Labajos. Tutor: Prof. Louis LemkowAbstract Hydropower is undergoing a new construction boom globally and is increasingly promoted as a …

Social metabolism, cost-shifting and conflicts. The struggles and services of informal waste recyclers in India

By: Federico Demaria. Supervisors: Dr. Giorgos Kallis, Dr. Joan Martinez Alier, Dr. Giuseppe Munda AbstractThis thesis contributes to our understanding of social metabolism, and more precisely waste in social metabolism. …

Cambios en el metabolismo social y la generación de conflictos socioambientales en el Perú

By: Neyra Soupplet, RaquelSupervisors: Bergua Amores, Jose Angel (dir.), Martìnez Alier, Joan (dir.) Abstract Los numerosos conflictos socio ambientales que vive el Perú son particularmente sangrientos y violentos. Para …

A socio-metabolic perspective on environmental justice and degrowth movements

By Arnim Scheidel and Anke Schaffartzik.AbstractDegrowth and environmental justice movements share overarching aims of sustainability and justice and pursue them through radical social change and resistances. Both movements are diverse …

Environmental Justice Movements in India: An analysis of the multiple manifestations of violence.

By Brototi Roy and Joan Martinez-Alier.AbstractWith each passing year, defending land and water, livelihoods and cultures appears to become more violent. Against the alarming number of murders of environmental activists …

Ecological Distribution Conflicts in India. Some Insights on the Role of Violence

By Joan Martinez-Alier and Brototi Roy.The term Ecological Distribution Conflicts(EDCs) was coined about 20 years ago by ecological economists (Martinez-Alier and O‟Connor 1996) to describe social conflicts born from the …

A ‘political fungology’ of China’s booming banana sector

By Robin Thiers, Juan Liu, Grettel Navas, Arnim Scheidel, Haifei MouAbstractChina’s commercial Cavendish banana production revolves around the mobilization of land, capital and labour, as well as the management of …

Political ecology in China

In past times, China’s presence in the world did not have the current environmental impact. Nowadays, China extracts 4,000 million tons of coal per year, three tons per person. This …

The expansion of intensive marine aquaculture in Turkey: The next‐to‐last commodity frontier?

By Irmak Ertor, Miquel Ortega-CerdaAbstractAquaculture is one of the fastest growing food‐producing sectors, and its share in global seafood production is rising significantly compared with capture fisheries. This transforms seafood …

Ecological Distribution Conflicts and the Vocabulary of Environmental Justice

By Joan Martinez-Alier. AbstractThere is a fundamental clash between economy and the environment due to the growing social metabolism of industrial economies. Energy cannot be recycled. Therefore, the energy from …