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  • Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

    By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

  • Giuseppe De Marzo: “Anatomy of a revolution” 1

    “We face the most serious crisis in human history. Never before did these 6 different forms of crisis come together: environment, energy, economy, food, migration and financial.” Giuseppe thinks the …

  • World Summit on sustainable Forest (-destruction)

    March 5th-6th 2013 will see a variety of actors in the forest-destruction community gather in Stockholm (Sweden). The Economist invites them to discuss strategies for covering up continued deforestation through …

  • Contingent valuation

    Introduction and definition The contingent valuation method (CVM) is a widely used method for estimating economic values for all kinds of ecosystem services and environmental goods which are not traded in …

  • Policy instruments for sustainable tourism

    Policy instruments for more sustainable tourism management are not different in essence from instruments in other fields of environmental public policy. They can be classified into economic (or market-based), regulatory …