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  • Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

    By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

  • Depopulation

    ‘Depopulation’ refers to a process in which the population density of an area decreases steadily over time. Increased human population is certainly a threat to environmental sustainability, but local phenomena …

  • Carrying capacity

    This is a term used in the field of ecology to indicate the maximum population of a particular species that a given area of habitat can support over a given …

  • Travel-cost method

    The travel-cost method (TCM) is used for calculating economic values of environmental goods. Unlike the contingent valuation method, TCM can only estimate use value of an environmental good or service. …

  • Celebration of struggle starts in Kudankulam this New Year

    For millions of people, 2012 was one big struggle for environmental justice. We have reported on many tragedies, successes and ongoing struggles. With an average of ten articles a month, …