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  • Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

    By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

  • STEFANIA BARCA: The Environment and the Working Class

    “Environmentalism is a luxury hobby for affluent people with jobs”. That’s a pretty common statement you’ll find in North and South alike. Too often, the struggle for environmental justice has …

  • Geoengineering conflicts: the ETC map

    Joan Martinez-Alier. When we wrote the EJOLT project three years ago, we selected a wide range of environmental justice conflicts: from extraction to waste and from nuclear to biomass. But we …

  • The face of EJOLT

        Who’s behind this EJOLT project? In an effort to start 2013 as transparent as possible, we captured the EJOLT project in a few sets of pictures. On our flickr page …

  • EJOLT’s 2012 review & 2013 preview

    First the facts: six reports, three videos, three briefings, thirteen podcasts and a 568p handbook. 2012 has been a productive year, but EJOLT is much more than a large EU …