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  • Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

    By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

  • Access and use rights

    Among the institutional arrangements regulating human–nature relationships, rights and obligations to natural resources, and access and use rights play a crucial role (Bromley, 1991; Ostrom and Schlager, 1996; Van Griethuysen, …

  • Common-pool resources

    According to Ostrom (2008), scholars are still in the process of developing a shared language for the broad set of things called ‘the commons’. There is frequently confusion about similarities …

  • Fight against the El Zapotillo dam saves Temaca

    By Beatriz Rodríguez Labajos. For eight years, the inhabitants of Temacapulín, Acasico and Palmarejo in Jalisco, Mexico, have been resisting the disappearance of their town or village. The construction of the …

  • Ecological Economics

    Broad definition Ecological economics has been compared to human ecology (Martinez-Alier, 1998), which instead of resorting to a single unit of account – money – includes the biophysical aspects of economic …