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  • Read Now: “Black gold and green BRI–A grounded analysis of Chinese investment in coal-fired power plants in Indonesia”

    By Bowen Gu Highlights First countrywide analysis of socio-environmental conflicts over coal-fired power plants with Chinese investment. Demonstrates how the politics from below shapes BRI energy infrastructure investment in practice. Analyzes the uneven development of CFPPs in …

  • Ecosystem services as if humans mattered

    Power, labour and environmental justice conflicts in the ecosystem service provision. By Joachim Spangenberg. The concept of ecosystem services (ESS) has become almost mainstream in academic and political statements (although …

  • Analyzing environmental conflicts in Colombia

    An analysis of 72 cases of environmental conflict in Colombia in the EJOLT database has been published by Prof. Mario A. Pérez Rincón of CINARA and Universidad del Valle, Cali. …

  • Criminal case against “industrial ecocide” in Sonora, Mexico?

    By Joan Martinez Alier. When the controversial 1.3 billion dollar Tia Maria copper mining project in Arequipa, Peru seemed to go ahead despite a local referendum and resistance from several villages, …

  • Playing with fire in Iceland

    By Joan Martinez-Alier and Nick Meynen. When Norwegian farmers sailed to and colonized Iceland 1,100 years ago, they organized politically without kings for several centuries. They founded the oldest parliament in …