Opportunities for European policy makers towards Environmental Justice
2-3 March 2015 – Brussels
FILM: “Walls and the Tiger”
2 March 2015, 18:45-21:45 Venue: Argus, KBC Auditorium, Rue du port 2, 1080 Brussels
When a traditional rural community in Southeast India is shattered by so-called “development”, pushing farmers to suicide, all hope seems lost. But determined to save their lives, one community fights back against powerful global forces that threaten to destroy their families and environment alike. Their struggle is the subject of a new documentary: Walls & The Tiger
Launch of the film in the presence of the Director (Sushma Kallam).
Please register here: www.argusmilieu.be
3 March 2015, 9:30-17:00
Venue: European Economic Social Committee (EESC)
Room VM3 (2nd floor), Van Maerlant Building, 2 rue Van Maerlant, 1040 Bruxelles/Brussels
After 4 years of work by around 100 people in over 30 countries we will hear what the international project on Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade has delivered to the world. We’ll zoom in on topics like mining – but we will also present cross cutting issues like those on the legal avenues for communities seeking environmental justice. A panel with policy experts will look at how and where the knowledge from EJOLT can and should be used.
Draft Agenda
8:45 – 9:30 REGISTRATION
9:30 – 9:35 WELCOME by EESC and EEB
Brenda KING,
Leida RIJNHOUT, Director Global Policies and Sustainability at European Environmental Bureau
9:35 – 9:40 Words from the EC project officer
Antonio SCARAFINO, DG Research and Innovation at European Commission
9:40 – 10:00 OPENING: History and overview of EJOLT
Prof. Joan MARTÍNEZ ALIER, EJOLT coordinator, professor of economics and deputy-director ICTA at Autonomous University of Barcelona
10:00 – 12:00 SESSION I: European Companies and Paths towards Accountable Raw Materials Sourcing
Chaired by Dr. Beatriz RODRÍGUEZ-LABAJOS, EJOLT report coordinator, ICTA at Autonomous University of Barcelona
This panel will share insights from the EJOLT reports to discuss the environmental record of European companies in the EU & abroad. Panelists will discuss and propose ways beyond the Raw Materials Initiative, what policy steps can help transition Europe into a long-term sustainable resource path.
Bruno CHAREYRON, Engineer in nuclear physics and uranium expert at CRIIRAD, France
Mauricio LAZALA, Lawyer & CSR expert at Business and Human Rights, UK
Begum ÖZKAYNAK, Professor of economics and mining expert at BOG University, Turkey
Khadija SHARIFE, Investigative journalist and scholar at the Center for Civil Society, SA
12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK
13:00 – 15:00 SESSION II: The War Against Environmentalism and defending the rights of those defending the environment
Chaired by Jan VAN DE VENIS, WaterLex Legal Desk Director and Grrrowd
A recent death of an environmentalist in France has called into question the disproportionate use of force against activists agitating against industrial interests. As conflicts over the environment and land use increase and competition for resources heats up, persecution and criminalization of activists is increasing in step. This panel will survey the current context in Europe and in Latin America and share the personal testimonies of activists whose lives are at risk.
Dr. Leah TEMPER, EJOLT Atlas coordinator, ICTA at Autonomous University of Barcelona
Susana BORRAS, University Rovira i Virgili, expert in legal avenues for environmentalists
Billy KYTE, Global Witness, UK and Author of ‘Deadly Environment’ report
15:00 – 16:45 SESSION III: Focusing in FUTURE actions at EU and UN level
Chaired by Leida Rijnhout, European Environmental Bureau
Ana BARREIRA, International Institute for Law and the Environment
Dr. Barbara Ruis, UNEP, international lawyer specialised in international environmental law
Patrick DIETZ , European Commission, policy officer on access to justice in environmental matters
Csaba KISS, Justice and Environment, EU, European Network of Environmental Law Organisations
16:45 – 17:00 CLOSING WORDS
Leida RIJNHOUT, Director Global Policies and Sustainability at the European Environmental Bureau
Prof. Joan MARTÍNEZ ALIER, EJOLT coordinator, professor of economics and deputy-director ICTA at Autonomous University of Barcelona
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)