1) Towards a Post-oil Civilization. Yasunization and Other Initiatives to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Soil.
By Temper, L., Yánez, I., Sharife, K., Ojo, G., Martinez-Alier, J., CANA, Combes, M., Cornelissen, K., Lerkelund, H., Louw, M., Martínez, E., Minnaar, J., Molina, P., Murcia, D., Oriola, T., Osuoka, A., Pérez, M. M., Roa Avendaño, T., Urkidi, L., Valdés, M., Wadzah, N., and Wykes, S.
EJOLT report n. 6, 2013: http://www.ejolt.org/2013/05/towards-a-post-oil-civilization-yasunization-and-other-initiatives-to-leave-fossil-fuels-in-the-soil/.
2) Featured Blockadia Map in the EJAtlas (2018)
The Blockadia team is co-ordinated by Alice Owen and Daria Rivin, Student Researchers at Lund University/ICTA-UAB, and Ende Gelände activists. The research team also consists of Andrea Cardoso of Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia, and Brototi Roy and Daniela del Bene, PhD candidates at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The Blockadia Map is part of the EnvJustice Project.
Featured Blockadia map: https://ejatlas.org/featured/blockadia.
3) Blockadia: grassroots movements against fossil fuels and for climate justice (in Spanish)
Original “Blockadia: movimientos de base contra los combustibles fósiles y a favor de la justicia climática“
Joan Martínez-Alier; Alice Owen; Brototi Roy; Daniela Del Bene, Daria Rivin.
Anuari CIDOB. Barcelona, 2018: https://www.raco.cat/index.php/AnuarioCIDOB/article/view/348692
4) Movements shaping climate futures: A systematic mapping of protests against fossil fuel and low-carbon energy projects.
By Leah Temper, Sofia Avila, Daniela Del Bene, Jennifer Gobby, Nicolas Kosoy, Philippe Le Billon, Joan Martinez-Alier, Patricia Perkins, Brototi Roy, Arnim Scheidel and Mariana Walter.
Environmental Research Letters, Volume 15 (12). 2020: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/abc197/meta
5) Koyla Kahini: The Political Ecology of Coal in India.
By Brototi Roy.
Doctoral thesis, ICTA UAB, 2021: https://www.uab.cat/web/sala-de-premsa-icta-uab/detall-activitat/defensa-de-tesi-de-brototi-roy-1345813172616.html?detid=1345840084873
6) Circularity, entropy, ecological conflicts, “unburnable fuels”.
By Joan Martinez-Alier.
Seminar paper organised by the Centre for World Environmental History, University of Sussex UK. 30 April 2021.
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)