Waste management in Rome and its surrounding areas is emblematic of larger sustainability problems related to widespread economic, social and environmental obsolescence in the area. This situation is rooted in over 35 years of political decisions and dynamics which have obstructed the development of alternative strategies for waste disposal. Despite the succession of waste plans and administrations of different political color, this situation has been fossilized for years.
Located in the Galeria Valley, near the XVI Town Hall, the Malagrotta landfill is the main source of conflict among civil society, local governments and private companies in the area. The critical environmental and social problems related to Malagrotta will doubtless scar Rome’s entire urban fabric for many years to come.
Click here for the factsheet (4 pages): FS_022_Malagrotta
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)