An analysis of 72 cases of environmental conflict in Colombia in the EJOLT database has been published by Prof. Mario A. Pérez Rincón of CINARA and Universidad del Valle, Cali. This is contained in a 70 page long chapter with over forty tables and figures, “Conflictos ambientales en Colombia: inventario, caracterización y análisis” in L. J. Garay, ed., “Minería en Colombia: control público, memoria y justicia socio-ecológica, movimientos sociales y posconflicto”, Contraloría General de la República, Bogotá 2014, p. 253-325, available at
Mario A. Pérez Rincón and a group of assistants have collected about 100 conflicts in Colombia, and in this long chapter the trends corresponding to the first 72 are analysed. This is a brilliant exercise in statistical political ecology. The Contralora General of Colombia, Sandra Morelli, has been exceptionally involved in helping to bring the inequities of the mining industry in Colombia to public scrutiny. She has written a preface to Garay’s edited book, one in a series of four books.
EJOLT partners and collaborators have several articles in English in the pipeline on countries such as Turkey, Ecuador, Madagascar … and also on specific themes, like mining conflicts, and on the general methodology of the EJ Atlas.
Mario A. Pérez Rincón’s pioneering work will be sent also as a revised article to the journal REVIBEC, and later an English version will be prepared.
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)